Sky Sports last week reported that Juventus took back the contract proposal agreed with Paulo Dybala and are prepared to let him leave for free if he doesn’t accept a salary cut. Juventus will no longer offer Dybala a five years contract worth €8m/yr + €2m bonus.

Now we need to take this with a grain of salt as it’s only a Sky report, but like Iv’e been saying for sometime now, where there is smoke, there is fire, and considering all the drama surrounding this situation, I’d say those are the first sign of flames, as Dybala looked read hot against Udinese. It was enough to make you wonder if he’d be prepared to leave, because like my uncle always use to say, in this world it’s money that talks, and in professional Football, it’s the biggest sign for a player like Paulo Dybala that he is truly appreciated by earning what he believes he’s worth.

So many different cast of charters have had their say on this situation, from friends of Dybala to former teammates, and even Beppe Marotta himself, the man who when working for Juve, acquired Dybala from Palermo, and is now said to want to bring him to his current club Inter Milan. With that said we have a quote from the alway entertaining and for sure polarizing, Azzurri legend Antonio Cassano, as he touched on the Dybala subject when speaking with BOBOTV, he said: